Talk to a therapist online specializing in Mindfulness Therapy 

How to deal with anxiety and depression without medication

Please feel free to email me if you would like to find out more about Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me. 

During these online therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for facilitating recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, chronic depression, and for help with and other emotional problems, by applying the very practical techniques of Mindfulness Therapy. 

This approach is particularly effective and you will see noticeable results after 3-4 Skype sessions with me. 

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is very effective for stopping anxiety and depression without using medications. It is far better to treat the root cause of your psychological suffering rather than just managing symptoms.

The main healing factors developed during Mindfulness Therapy are Conscious Awareness, which is vital for overcoming the reactive psychological habits that cause psychological suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what promotes healing and resolution of emotional pain.

"I had three sessions with Peter (4 hours total) and am very glad I had a chance to do therapy with him. Even after one session, I already felt better about some of the trauma I have had since I was young. With him, I learned to dissolve the trauma and came to terms with what happened in the past. I very much appreciate Peter’s kindness, wisdom, and patience."


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Online Mindfulness based Therapy via Skype for overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using Drugs

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression without using drugs. 

So drugs may have usefulness in extreme circumstances for managing symptoms but, of course, that's all the drugs are able to do. They do not treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or OCD or any other psychological problem. 

The underlying cause for anxiety and depression is psychological. It's the result of certain unconscious habits that have become established. These habits are triggered by various factors maybe internal factors like thoughts and memories. It can be external factors such as a phobia for example around driving. So the external site of a highway or being stuck at a cross section red light can be a trigger that triggers this underlying habit that creates the anxiety or a panic attack. 

We do this in Mindfulness Therapy by actually developing conscious awareness, that's mindfulness, around these habits because typically the habits simply become unconscious; they become reactive, they become conditioned and they operate out of consciousness. So the first step must be to bring consciousness back to see those habits very clearly to be able to identify the triggers, whether that's internal thoughts or memories, maybe traumatic memories, or whether it's external triggers. 

So we learn to sit with these emotions and with the thoughts that are triggers and not become lost in them and not become overwhelmed. So this is a training process, and mindfulness meditation is fundamentally a training process. Retraining yourself on how to relate to your thoughts and emotions and memories without becoming identified. 

The second part of our mindfulness meditation process for healing anxiety and depression is to look at the internal structure of your emotions, and that internal structure is almost always based around imagery. Internal psychological imagery is the primary organizing force that keeps anxiety depression in place. The reactive thoughts, they feed the anxiety, but the anxiety itself is maintained through internal imagery. 

So this is how emotions heal. They will have to undergo some form of image transformational reprocessing in order to fully heal, for the emotional content to really change. So we basically speed up this process by really examining that imagery in detail and then exploring in great detail how to change the imagery and find what it is that helps the imagery and the emotion resolve itself and heal. 

So working with imagery is extremely important. It's a fundamental part of mindfulness-based psychology and psychotherapy. 

If you would like to learn more about online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression and OCD and also for working with PTSD then please do contact me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

So I offer therapy via Skype worldwide. All you need is an Internet connection and we can schedule our Skype Therapy sessions. Skype Therapy is very effective, in general, because you can see each other. It's many times more effective than chat-based therapy or email therapy because those don't have this visual component. 

If you use Skype and you can see each other there is really no difference whatsoever in the effectiveness of online therapy compared to meeting a therapist in person. And in many cases I would argue from my experience that Skype Therapy can be more effective because it is much more comfortable for you. It's less intimidating. It has less that clinical feel to it which is not good because it makes you feel like a victim. And that's not going to help the process of recovery. So especially if you're suffering from an anxiety disorder, Skype Therapy is a very good choice for you to consider. 

So please contact me if you'd like to get started with me. Most of my clients see results in a very short time. Often after three or four sessions people see and experience big changes in the intensity of their anxiety and depression. You will feel much more empowered, much more able to do things that you weren't able to do before. You will feel more in control. That's the whole aim here, is to restore that sense of being in control of your happiness and well-being and that is much easier to achieve than you may think.


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Talk to a therapist online specializing in Mindfulness Therapy

Talk to a therapist online specializing in Mindfulness Therapy