Online Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Online Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Speak to a Psychotherapist via Skype for Online Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

See a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD

Online therapy is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist

Email me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and arrange for a Skype session with me. General inquiries welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Beyond healing the anxiety, my whole inner landscape is changing. I’m learning that the self-criticism, shame and doubt I have been stuck in for so long can all be met with compassionate awareness and brought to resolution. I’m starting to feel the joy Peter talks about and a real tenderness toward myself and others."


Main site to schedule Online Mindfulness Therapy:


Related Linkedin article: Talk to a Therapist Online

Online Therapy - See an Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety and Depression

So if you would like to see an online psychotherapist via Skype for help with anxiety or depression, addiction or other common psychological problems, I invite you to go to my website to learn more about the benefits of online psychotherapy. 

It's very convenient and it's also very effective, and there are a number of studies that show that online therapy is just as effective as in person therapy as long as you can see each other. I would say that's the most important thing and that's why I offer my Online Therapy Service over Skype. 

So Skype allows you to see each other in real time and this improves the communication considerably and this is why I consider it to be just as effective as meeting in person. 

There are many advantages of online therapy, of course. You might find it difficult to find a psychotherapist in your area if you're living in a rural area or if you're living abroad in a non English speaking country. Then it may be difficult to find someone to talk to. 

Also many people like the greater sense of autonomy that online therapy offers. So being able to talk to a therapist online gives us a greater sense of control. It is more empowering and in general online therapy is directed towards helping you resolve your underlying anxiety or depression. It helps you manage the underlying cause of your psychological suffering and gives you the tools to overcome those underlying processes that create anxiety or depression. So this is not a treatment based approach. It's basically focused on helping you change the underlying psychology that causes anxiety or depression. 

If you'd like to learn more about online therapy and you're interested in speaking to an online psychotherapist like myself via Skype, then I invite you to go to my website. Read more articles there about the benefits of online therapy and simply reach out to me by email. You are free to ask any questions you may have and when you feel ready you can schedule a trial therapy session with me and see for yourself just how effective the online therapy approach is. So I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


If you would like to talk to a therapist online anonymously and in private I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online Skype Therapy Service that I offer. 

I specialize in online Mindfulness Therapy which I deliver over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, for help with addictions and many other common psychological and emotional difficulties that don't require medical treatment. 

Many people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. It feels more comfortable in general if you don't have to meet with a psychotherapist in person. So that's one of the great advantages of online therapy. This greater privacy and greater comfort for you the client. 

Another reason why people like online therapy is because it makes them feel more in charge of their recovery process and this can be very important especially if you are dealing with anxiety or depression or addiction. 

People want to feel empowered. They want to feel that they're learning how to cope with their emotions and not just going to someone for treatment by some methodology or with medications. 

Treatments don't really help you change the underlying cause of your suffering. You have to work with your mind your self and work with the underlying habits that create your anxiety or depression or that fuel your addiction which is often simply a way of coping with depression or other extreme form of emotional suffering or stress. 

So people often come to me for help with addictions. And again they like the anonymity and the privacy offered through online therapy for addiction. It means you can have your sessions without having to leave home. You don't have to go to a facility to receive counseling. 

You can basically work from home with me and I will teach you the necessary skills to manage your emotions so that you don't become overwhelmed by your emotional reactions, whether that's depression or anxiety or difficulty with intrusive thoughts or PTSD, trying to deal with emotional trauma. 

It's the same process. You have to learn how to work with those memories and emotions and thought patterns yourself. And I will teach you how to do this through with a methods of Mindfulness Therapy which are amazingly effective for working with the mind. 

If you'd like to learn more about seeing a therapist in private then please go to my website and feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have about this process. I do not work through insurance companies. This is a private psychotherapy practice. 

So there are no records kept about your medical condition or anything else. This is purely a process where I will work with you and teach you skills for working with your emotions yourself. Most people see tremendous improvements in a relatively short time you should expect to see improvements after the first three to four sessions. 

If you'd like to learn more please email me and let's get started and you can see for yourself the many advantages of working with an online therapist. 


Online Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy and I offer online Skype Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and online Skype Therapy for help with depression and many other common psychological problems that do not require medication. 

Most of my clients have tried medications for their anxiety or depression or OCD or other emotional problems without much success. And there's a reason for this, because medications do nothing to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression. The underlying cause is primarily psychological in nature. 

Even if there is a chemical imbalance in the body, that chemical imbalance is nothing more than a trigger that triggers the psychological reaction. If there is any underlying biochemical or physiological problems then you should consult with your doctor, but generally this is quite rare and most of my clients come to me after trying medication and they simply want something better, that actually addresses the problem rather than just covering up the symptoms. And that's what I offer during online Skype Therapy. 

I teach mindfulness-based methods for working with emotional suffering such as anxiety or depression or intrusive thoughts or addictions or many other difficult psychological problems that we all face at one time or another. 

It's really learning how to work with these emotional habits and how to start developing a conscious and mindful relationship with your emotions and with your thoughts and also with your memories, including traumatic memories, too. I offer online Skype Therapy for PTSD as well as anxiety and depression. 

The most important thing is building a conscious and mindful relationship with your mind. Most of the time we don't do that you simply run away from our emotional pain or we react by becoming identified with our emotional pain, which simply feeds it, or we react with aversion to our emotional pain, which also prevents it healing. 

The only way that the psychological habit that creates anxiety or depression can heal is when we create a friendly and conscious relationship with our emotions and thoughts. And this is the principle focus of Mindfulness Therapy, and I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for working with your emotions. 

This approach is very effective, in deed. And I've been teaching Mindfulness Therapy for over ten years now and the number of people who have benefited from this approach is quite surprising and very satisfying for me. 

Because once you learn how to apply mindfulness you become able to manage your emotions much more effectively than you could ever learn by a treatment-based approach, like medications. 

So, if you'd like to learn more about online Skype Therapy and you'd like to schedule Skype Therapy sessions with me, then please go to my website, learn more about this approach, and then of course e-mail me if you have any questions. 

If you would like to start online Skype Therapy with me, then please contact me and let's schedule a therapy session via Skype, and you'll see yourself within the first two to three sessions, just how effective it is when you start to change the way that you relate to your emotions using mindfulness. Thank you. 


Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online psychotherapist. I've been offering psychotherapy through Skype for over ten years now. And I do this because most people really enjoy Skype Therapy. They find this to be a much better experience than going to see a therapist in their office. It Is much less intimidating. It's much more convenient for you and also more comfortable for you since you can conduct your therapy sessions from your own home or familiar surroundings that you feel comfortable in. And that's really important. 

So good psychotherapy, whether it's in person or online, needs to enable you. It needs to teach you strategies and ways of working with the mind. It needs to teach you how to work with difficult emotions, whether that's anxiety or depression or OCD or an addiction or grief or other difficult emotional problems, using methods that you can apply yourself. This is the important thing: that you learn how to work with your emotions yourself and good psychotherapy will teach you how to do this. 

You do not need to see a therapist in person to receive good psychotherapy. You simply need to have access to someone who understands how to teach practical ways of working with the mind. So as long as you can see each other, then online therapy is, in my opinion, just as good as meeting in person, and may also be actually better because you, as the client, feel more comfortable and at ease with the process. 

The style of therapy that I teach over Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy. And that works very well for anxiety and depression, particularly, and it will teach you those practical skills that I've been talking about that you can apply yourself between sessions to really change the way that you feel, to overcome anxiety and depression and to get back to a state of wellbeing and emotional resilience and the ability to meet life without emotional suffering. 

Emotional suffering is not the natural state of things. It's a product of habitual learned conditioned reactivity to life. Life may produce lots of ups and downs. pain and pleasure and so on, but that is not the same thing as emotional suffering. So emotional pain is something that we encounter and usually resolves quite quickly. Emotional suffering does not resolve quickly it persists and it persists through a process of habitual reactivity. It's a habit. That habit is what causes it to persist.  

We learn how to break these habits by actually meditating on the emotions directly. So emotional habits thrive because of unawareness. We simply are not aware of the reactive process that's going on in the mind. The stimulus simply activates the habits that creates the emotional suffering. 

But once we start to bring more conscious awareness to our emotional habits we can begin to change those habits. Consciousness allows us to break free from our habits. That's the first part of Mindfulness training, is learning to bring more consciousness to our emotional suffering so we can break these emotional habits. And we do that as I say by actively meditating on the emotions. 

That is the way to do it. Not trying to escape our emotional pain or just talking about them endlessly or indulging in the emotional suffering. That's another habit and it doesn't resolve the suffering. We need to change our relationship, we need to break this habit of reactive identification so that we don't fall victim to the emotional habits. 

So that's a very important part of mindfulness training. The other part that I'll explain to you and teach you during our sessions, is how to facilitate the healing of emotional suffering. So this is the compassionate aspect of mindfulness that's so important. And the combination of developing more consciousness and developing more compassion towards your own inner emotional suffering is what really produces the changes, and changes that last. 

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach than simply email me and we can schedule a session and you'll see, even after the first session, just how powerful the mindfulness therapy approach can be for overcoming anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional suffering. So please reach out to me by email and let's schedule a session. Thank you. 


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