WIFI login and password instructions

There will be two passwords for the group to increase speed of internet browsing during the conference.

Your specific password can be found here: your WIFI password.

Configuration of your wireless device to use this wireless connection :

1. Please ensure your wireless card is functional and turned to the on position. Your card should detect

several wireless networks in use on campus.

You must connect to "ulaval-inv".

2. Once the device indicates that it is connected, open your favorite browser (we support Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari).

The first page might display a security warning: you can safely ignore it and click "Continue" (Safari/Internet Explorer)/"Confirm security exception (Firefox).

In the event you have not defined a start page in your browser's preferences, you may type any URL (for example: www.google.com) in order to be redirected to the aforemenoned warning/login page.

3. You browser should automatically be redirected to a page with the university's logo. You must enter

your username (nom d'usager) and password (mot de passe) and click the button On y va.

4. The last step in the connection process is to accept the disclaimer. You can press J'accepte les conditions.

This will grant you access to the network and the Internet.

Please note: Once your agree to the disclaimer, a page titled "login out" will pop up. You can bookmark the link provided or keep this window open to log out of the network.

Support and assistance: Should you need support with this connection, you can enquire to the person in charge of your event or call Centre de soutien techno at extension 3111.

Bienvenue à L'Université Laval!