Simple Kofta Burgers

Simple Kofta Burgers

Note. I used 80/20 ground chuck, but because these kofta burgers are packed with flavor, you can use leaner meat.


Makes 4 large burgers (or 8 smaller ones)

1 lb / 453 gr grass-fed organic ground beef (I used 80/20 ground chuck)

3 tablespoons tomato paste (I used organic Bionaturae)

1 medium onion, minced

Zest of one lemon

Juice of ½ lemon

2 round teaspoons allspice

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ cup / 1.3 oz / 35 gr chopped blanched almonds

1 teaspoon fine grain sea salt

Ground black pepper to taste


In a large bowl combine all ingredients and knead until well combined.

Using your hands, form into flattened patties — they need to be firmly formed or they will break apart when you cook them.

Heat a grill or a grill pan to medium-high (if you’re using an outdoor grill generously oil the grill grates.) Place the koftas on the grill, taking care not to crowd them.

Cook for about 6 minutes on each side (try not to move them around too much though, or they will break apart.)

Serve them with a salad, or inside a bun with your favorite toppings!