Concord Grape Sorbet


Serves 6

1 lb / 453 gr concord grape

juice of ½ lemon

2 tablespoons honey (or maple syrup)

1 large egg white

a pinch of fine grain sea salt

pinch of cream of tartar (optional)


In the bowl of a food processor fitted with its steel blade, process Concord grapes and lemon juice about 2 to 3 minutes until pureed.

With the help of spatula strain Concord grape into a bowl through a fine sieve. Try to get as much juice as you can through the sieve (this is a bit of work but it’s worth it!)

Stir in the honey, cover and refrigerate for one hour.

Just before you are ready to take the Concord grape mixture out of the fridge, in the bowl of an electric stand mixer (or in a glass bowl with an electric mixer) fitted with the whisk attachment, add egg white, salt and cream of tartar (if using). Starting on low beat the egg whites on medium speed until soft peak/trails begin to form, about 3 to 4 minutes.

With the help of a spatula, gently fold whipped egg white into the Concord grape mixture. Don't stir. The purpose of folding is to retain the air you have beaten into the egg white. Be careful to only work the mixture enough to incorporate the white, and don’t use the electric mixer for this step.

Transfer the Concord grape mixture into a freezer-proof container and place into the freezer for at least 2-4 hours (preferably overnight). If you own an ice-cream machine, by all means use it.

Take the sorbet out the freezer and transfer to the refrigerator 20 to 30 minutes before serving, to allow to soften.