Holiday Frittata

Holiday Frittata


Feeds 6 people as a main dish, or 12 as a starter

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 scallions (or 1 medium onion), finely chopped

2 - 3 jarred roasted red peppers, drained, rinsed, patted dry and diced

1 cup / 4.5 oz / 128 gr frozen peas, thawed

1 garlic clove, minced

10 free-range organic eggs

3 tablespoons milk (your choice of milk, I used almond)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

1 teaspoon fine grain sea salt

Ground black pepper to taste


Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a large nonstick frying pan (I used a 12-inch skillet). Add scallions (or onion) and garlic and cook, stirring often, for 4 to 5 minutes until scallions begin to soften. Season with salt and pepper, remove from the heat and scrape into a bowl. Rinse and dry the pan.

In a large bowl beat the eggs, stir in ½ teaspoon of salt, ground black pepper, milk, peas, jarred red peppers, parsley and cooked scallions.

Heat the remaining one tablespoon of olive oil in the pan used before, over medium-high heat.

Pour in the egg mixture. Swirl the pan to distribute the eggs and filling evenly over the surface.

Turn the heat down to low, cover with a lid (use a pizza pan if you don’t have a lid that fills your skillet), and cook for 10 minutes.

From time to time remove the lid and loosen the bottom of the frittata with a spatula, tilting the pan, so that the bottom doesn’t burn. It will turn a deep golden brown.

Using the lid (or a large plate) carefully flip the frittata and cook on the other side for further 3 to 4 minutes, shaking the pan a couple of times to make sure the frittata isn’t sticking.

Carefully slide the frittata from the pan onto a large platter.

Serve warm, at room temperature, or cold.