Coconut Lemon Mousse

Coconut Lemon Mousse

Inspired by GI365

For the coconut cream, refrigerate the cans of coconut milk overnight, (several days if possible) then scoop out the cream that rises to the top and reserve the liquid for other uses.


Serves 4

Coconut cream scraped from the top of 2 (13.5 oz) chilled cans of full fat coconut milk (use BPA-free coconut milk)

2 tablespoons raw coconut palm sugar (or other sweetener of your choice)

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

zest of one lemon

pinch of salt


In a small bowl combine coconut sugar with the lemon zest, rubbing the mixture between your fingers to help infuse the sugar with the lemon flavor.

In a large bowl of a heavy-duty mixer or with an electric hand mixer, fitted with whisk attachment, beat/whip coconut cream and salt, starting on low, increasing incrementally to medium speed until soft peaks become visible, about 2 minutes.

Add the sugar mixture and vanilla extract and beat until the mixture is smooth and the sugar is no longer visible.

Divide the mixture evenly among ramekins and refrigerate until ready to serve.