Mom's Pink Lemonade

Mom’s Pink Lemonade

Note. I like my lemonade pretty tart but you can adjust the measurements to make it as sweet or as tart as you like.


Makes 8 cups of lemonade

½ cup sugar (I used coconut sugar)

5 ½ cups water, divided

Peel of 1 lemon

2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 10 lemons)

2 tablespoons grape juice (or 4 tablespoons cranberry juice)

Small pinch of salt


In a small saucepan combine ½ cup water, lemon peel, and sugar.

Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from the heat and set aside.

In a large bowl combine remaining 5 cups of water, lemon juice, grape juice, and salt.

Remove lemon peel from the syrup and stir syrup into the lemonade.

Strain lemonade into a large pitcher and refrigerate (if you like your lemonade with the lemon pulp don’t strain it.)

When ready to serve, pour into ice-filled glasses garnished with a couple of lemon slices.