January 2024

 From our District and Community

Jeffco Public Website

Mini Cheers With Columbine Cheers

Join the Columbine Cheerleaders for their Mini Cheer Clinics. For students ages 2 years old - 6th grade. Mini cheers will perform at halftime for the CHS Boys Basketball game, Friday, January 12. Click HERE for more information.

AREA Accountability Committee, Jan. 22

6:15-7:15 at Columbine High School in their school libary

Join us for our annual Columbine Area Accountability Meeting.  This is a great opportunity to find out what all of the five elementary schools are celebrating and focusing on, as well as hearing from the Ken Caryl and Columbine High School principals. 

From the Superintendent

As our students take their final bows and the curtain closes on the first semester of the school year, we are setting our sights on 2024. A new year is a natural opportunity to reset, refresh and reclaim our path forward. I hope you will join me on Tuesday, January 9 from 6-7:30 p.m, for my State of the District presentation.

This event is an opportunity for us to look ahead, together. To take stock of where we are with our bold Jeffco Thrives 2025 vision and embrace the opportunities ahead to shift current resources, and generate new revenue and resources, to support our district’s mission. My presentation will include future opportunities for Jeffco to maximize local revenue to support community-driven interests including:

Whether you can join us in person, virtually or want to follow along with updates on our webpage throughout this spring, I encourage you to engage.

Enjoy winter break. On behalf of Team Jeffco, I wish you peace and happiness in the new year.  

In Partnership,

Tracy Dorland

Jeffco Public Schools

Mental Health and Wellness