September From PTSA & Accountability

PTSA President: Melissa Kohn,   

Accountability Co-Chairs: Brianna Gillmore & Eddie "Mac" MacManus

 Next PTSA meetinG & Parent Learning Night

The next PTSA meeting will be help via Google Meets on September 15th. The new format of the meetings is as follows:

Check your email for the google meet link as it gets closer!

***Leawood Eats***

TUESDAY, September 7th, 4-8PM 

Chick-fil-a at Belleview Shores (5260 S Wadsworth Blvd). 

Join us for food and fun - Dine in OR Drive-thru!

Come support Leawood Elementary and a portion of  sales will be donated back to the school

Make sure to mention you are there to support Leawood.

marketing guru needed!!

Our Scrip program is up and running, but we could use the help of someone to advertise/market the new program!!  Karla Stroud does all the money and computer work, but if you want to help out by making fun fliers, advertising special deals, and getting the word out, we would love to have you!!

Email Melissa Kohn at if interested!

New AND Improved Box Tops Program

The BoxTops Program is going digital!  Check out this FLYER for more information.  

fall fundraiser fun run

This year the fall fundraiser will be a Fun Run on October 6th! We are working on our Mind, Body, and Soul with a run to raise funds for Leawood!

Fun Run Pep Rally: Friday, September 17th

Fun Run: Wednesday, October 6th

Pledges will be made for each child using a flat donation. The day of the Fun Run families are welcome to come and cheer the kiddos on!! The Fun Run will take place on the upper soccer fields. Interested in helping the day of? Email Olivia St. Clair (email below)!

There will be fun prizes and experiences for all of our runners!

Look for more info to come home soon!

 The money raised for the fall fundraiser will go to support OUR NEW maker space AND science rooms!!!

The Maker Space is a new and exciting room where kids can go to learn using different modalities, such as Legos, building blocks, robots and other STEM activities! Our new Science Room is a place where Science will come alive for students, engaging, questioning, and investigating different phenoniums.

For questions or to volunteer to help with any of the fundraising, please contact Olivia St. Clair, VP of Fundraising,

the Classrooms need YOU!

If you are interested in being a "party parent" for your student's class, please contact Melissa Kohn at

Responsibilities would be making sure everything is for provided for the classroom parties. Mrs. Shehan will send out the sign up genius with what to bring, and you just need to make sure everything is filled in and the party is a success!

marquee messages

Does your child have a birthday coming up? Celebrate them by purchasing a birthday message on the marquee!!!  For $10 you will be able to have the message up for the entire week of their birthday!

Purchase your message here:

Accountability Committee

Are you interested in test scores, budget, and seeing where the money for the school goes??  Then Accountability is for YOU!!!

Our first meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 8th. It will begin at 6:00pm via Google Meet.

We will look over scores and data from last year and decide what we would like to work on for this school year. 

Share your opinion and voice and join us on the 8th!!

Contact  Brianna Gilmore or Eddie "Mac"  MacManus  with any questions.