FEBRUARY From the School & Office

Leawood Elementary School

Enrollment Secretary Leah Lefevre       

Business Manager Margarita Russell 

Health Aide Luana Perry

Current Students

Preschool and Kindergarten Registration is happening now! Choice enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is here!

Happening Now

FULL DAY PRESCHOOL: Leawood will have limited space in our Full Day Preschool so be sure to accept your offer, if you received one, before it expires. 

Incoming Kindergartners for the 2024-2025 School Year 

Please upload the following documents to EnrollJeffco or Parent Portal when you receive and accept an offer:

These documents must be uploaded or your enrollment will be incomplete. 

More Information on the main Enroll Jeffco website HERE

District Approved Excused Absences

Valentine's Day Decorations

Leawood is in need of Valentine's Day decorations for the school. If you have any to donate, please drop them off in th front office. We really appreciate it! Thank you!

Please wash and  return any borrowed items from the health room.  We have a limited supply in each size. 


Please do not send your student to school when they are sick and tell them to see the clinic aide if they don't feel well and you will pick them up. This year we do not send children home because they say they are not feeling well.  If you felt like they were well enough to be in school, we trust you. We will follow through with your lead.

We do send them home if they throw up, have a fever, diarrhea or break a bone. 

 Stay Healthy,

Leawood's Health Aide: Luana Perry, 303-982-7860

 District Nurse: Lisa Schalla, 720-315-3855 

From the Financial Office

Since the district changed to a School Based Budget, we have to pay all of our fees directly out of our school budget. Students fees are for consumables that students use during the school year. Leawood pays in advance for all those consumables such as math, sketch books and licenses. We still have many families with outstanding fees. Please help our school and pay any of your student's fees still owed. If you need assistance with fees, feel free to contact Mrs. Russell at 303-982-7860 ext. #5. While you are in Parent Portal, please verify your personal information and make sure phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts are updated.