From the Principal 

Leawood Families,

Sorry this newsletter is a little late in coming.  We have summer school at Leawood and they days/weeks are just flying by. As summer is upon us, our minds and hearts are filled to the brim. It was a great year! Together we learned much and shared experiences that will long remain with us in the years to come. The strength of our community and wholehearted passion to make our school a wonderful place of learning for our children makes Leawood truly a special place. This newsletter has lots of information about start of school events.

Special thanks to all of our parents this year who have contributed in ways small, large, and unimaginable! Thanks for getting your kids to school on time each day, whether in person or remote,  and helping your kids in the learning process. The partnership between home and school is important.

I would also like to thank our hard working and caring staff members who have made a huge difference to our students. Their commitment is outstanding and our kids are the beneficiaries. Thank you all for providing rich and engaging, well-rounded experiences for all our kids, knowing that education is about joy, wonder and fostering curiosity. We discover, inspire, and grow together, and we are truly grateful.

I wish you all a very happy, safe and enjoyable summer. Please be sure to take time as family to talk, play and continue to learn together. I look forward to seeing you all for registration. To those of you who are leaving us for new places, we wish you all the best and you will continue to be in our thoughts and hearts. We’ll send out another reminder about registration and start of school in July.  Please look for updates on our school website as well at and make sure you mark down all the important dates for our 2021-22 school year on the calendar below.

You have the most amazing children and it has been my pleasure serving each and every one of you this year!  We can't wait to see YOU back in our building next year.

Have a safe and wonderful summer!

In Partnership,

Mrs. Martha Shehan, Principal

From Our Principal

From the School & Office  

Student, Family, & Community Supports