April 2021

Dear Leawood Families, 

I hope you all had a safe and relaxing spring break. When the students and staff return, we will hit the ground running for the final stretch. As we welcome the spring season, we commence a busy and exciting time of year at Leawood. Be sure to check below for important dates, as well as on the From the PTSA page of this newsletter.

One of the most important components of a good school is the partnership between the school and parents who work together for the best interest of children. The close partnership between home and school is one of the exceptional strengths that make Leawood a GREAT school. We have a strong tradition of supportive, hard-working parents. Throughout the year parents have the opportunity to develop that partnership in a wide variety of ways. Parents join the PTSA, attend Accountability meetings, read to their children and help in many other ways. We can't wait for the day that we once again see you in our halls volunteering in the classroom. 

One of the many great things about Leawood is the strong parent support our students receive. We see the most student growth when our school staff and our families work together. We appreciate your support in many ways, both academically and socially. We know you read with your children, look over their Friday Folders, help with homework, provide them love, guidance, and the modeling, structure, and rules to be happy successful kids. Our Accountability and PTSA groups do so many great things for OUR kids that deserve support. They always need parents to help at events and attend meetings. Please consider joining these groups so that our Leawood students will continue to benefit from our great family support. 

Leawood continues to monitor and remain vigilant with respect to safety. Thanks for driving slowly and cautiously in the parking lot and using the hug and go lane quickly. The flow of traffic goes much better when we all work together. Please also remember that you may not park or stand in the Day Care vans only spot on Jay (along the fence.)

I’m so very proud of the achievement that can be seen in our classrooms at this time of year. Our students have grown both academically and socially. Everyday I thank the amazing and committed staff we have who nurture their continued growth. 


Mrs. Shehan 


In an effort to increase participation at our monthly PTSA meetings, we've decided to shorten them so they are quick updates of what we're currently doing and need help with.  The rest of the time will be a short presentation of an important issue that affects all of us. We'll call this a "Parent Learning" night, just as we have "Teacher Learning" days.  Please join us this month for our first parent learning night.  Our guest speaker will be our social worker, Jennifer Magri, and other members of our support staff.

Strategies for Improving 

Executive Functioning Skills in Children 

Wednesday, April 21st, 6 - 7:30 pm

Please join us for a parent information night focusing on executive functioning skills (starting and finishing tasks, following directions, emotional-regulation, and organization) for elementary age students.  We will give a brief overview of these skills followed by strategies to help parents support the natural progression of these skills at home.  If parents have specific concerns about their student that are not covered by the presentation, information will be provided on how to connect with our school social worker or social/emotional learning specialist for further conversations.

Attention 3rd-5th Grade Parents

As you've likely heard in the news, Colorado’s federal waiver for state testing was partially approved on Friday, March 26. Under the approved plan, districts are required to administer some of the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) while others will become optional or will be suspended. This means our schedule will vary from what we've already shared with you. Third grade completed both ELA and Math before spring break, so no action is required. Fourth grade only requires Math this year, and Fifth grade only English Language Arts. Science and Social Students have been suspended.  If you would like your student to still take both tests, although one is now optional, we will need verification from you for this in writing.  Look for more information coming this week. This will impact our remote CMAS schedule as well, and we will communicate any changes this week.

There is so much happening in April!  Please mark your calendars for these events: 

Monday, April 5Students Return 

Wednesday, April 7 - Spring Pictures - Look for order forms and more information coming soon

Wednesday, April 7Accountability Meeting, 6:00-8:00

Thursday, April 8PTSA Community Night: Going On a Lion Hunt! Check out the From the PTSA page in this newsletter for more information

Tuesday, April 13 - Staff Appreciation Planning Meeting, 6:30pm

Tuesday, April 20 - Science Fair 

Wednesday, April 21 – PTSA Meeting & Parent Learning Night: Strategies for Improving Executive Functioning, 6-7:30pm

Wednesday, April 21 - Secretaries' Day

Thursday, April 22Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Thursday, April 22Virtual Art & Music Kindergarten Event, 6:00-7:00pm

Tuesday, April 27 - MOMS Planning Meeting, 6:30pm

Tues-Thurs, April 27, 28, 29 - April Wall of Pride Lunches

Thursday, April 29 – Day Without Hate Day: Wear White!

Friday, April 30NO SCHOOL, Teacher Learning Day