From the Principal 

February 2019

Dear Leawood Families,

We have many exciting things happening right now at Leawood, so please take a moment to read through these highlights and reach out to us if you have  questions or comments.  We had a great showing at our January PTSA meeting, discussing our upcoming fundraisers and activities, and be sure to mark your calendars for our next one on Feb 20th at 6:00pm. Thanks to everyone who joined us at our Parent Learning Night about Executive Functioning and Anxiety. It was very interactive and beneficial and we all walked away with specific ideas we can try with our children.  We had such a positive response that we’ll be offering it again later this spring. Be sure to mark your calendars for our next Accountability meeting on Feb 6th at 5:00pm. We will be looking at the results and comments of our Family Partnership Survey, making a plan to celebrate the successes and to focus on a few areas that we are committed to improving.  In addition, we’ll learn more about our goals and improvement strategies in this year’s UIP, Unified Improvement Plan, and where our budget stands for next year based on current enrollment. We’ll also learn more about the specifics for how 5A monies will be allocated to support schools and staff. Please join us for those important conversations.

 This is an exciting time to be a part of Jefferson County Public Schools.  Under the leadership of our Superintendent, Dr. Jason Glass, schools are very focused on making our students’ experiences authentic, meaningful, and engaging while preparing them for the kinds of complex work they will need to perform as adults. At Leawood, students are creating original music, writing biographies based on true stories from our local veterans, making plans for our new Leawood Garden, designing solar powered cars, and learning how our behaviors impact water conservation.  Be sure to read through the “From our Teachers” section of this newsletter to find out more.  

We’ve used multiple ways to communicate to our families about the new EnrollJeffco process for registration.  This needs to be completed by February 8th in order to plan our budget an staffing for next year.  If you are having troubles, I will personally help walk you through it.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at

February Dates to Remember:

Thank you for all you do to support your children and their education. The time and effort you provide makes a tremendous difference.  We have a building full of outstanding students! We have wonderful spellers, thinkers, readers, writers, geographers, and problem solvers! We have a building filled with students who are mindful of others’ thoughts and feelings and conduct themselves with good citizenship and respect. We are so proud of all of our students, and we know you are too!  As always, I enjoy hearing from you about our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Wishing you a wonderful February!


Mrs Shehan