From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Thank you so much for attending your scheduled parent/teacher conference time.  Teachers work hard to ensure that conferences provide you with valuable insight into your child’s progress at school.  The team effort to make a positive impact on student learning is essential. Together, we will make it happen!  Home-school collaboration is so critical for student success. It is always our goal to have 100%, of our parents attend, but we know sometimes things just come up.  We encourage you to try to reschedule a time, even if it’s just a phone conference.  

A huge shout out goes to our Fundraising Chair, Melissa Kohn, and all the volunteers who organized our Leawood Apex Fun Run.  It was amazing to see so many families here cheering the kids on.  We exceeded our goal and look forward to our new Leawood Garden.  Remember to save Saturday, April 20th for the community work day getting the garden started! More information coming soon!!

Thanks in advance to all the room parents who will make our Halloween parties on Wednesday a huge success.  Thanks in advance to Brianna Gillmore, and the many crafty volunteers working on the Children’s Holiday Workshop.  An information flyer is coming home today's Friday folder and find the link to order in the PTSA page of this newsletter. This year we have limited quantities of each craft, so order what you want early before they sell out.  The Workshop date is Saturday, December 15th, 9am to noon. Be sure to check out all that’s displayed in the front hallway display case when you come for the Halloween festivities. Lots more information coming soon. And finally, save the date for our Spring Fling on Friday, April 5th.

This month we have a lot to look forward to.  Our 8th annual Veterans Day Celebration will be held on Monday, November 12th.   We hope to see you and many honored veteran guests.  Our next Accountability meetings will be held on Wednesday, November 7th from 5:00-7:00pm in the school library, and PTSA this month is Wednesday, November 28th from 6:00-7:30pm. 

Remember our Thanksgiving break is Nov 19 - 23.

We hear more and more from parents requesting support with social-emotional and behavioral issues with their children.  We would like to start offering some workshops to address this need.  Please complete this short survey before Thanksgiving Break so we can determine needs and make plans.  

We have so many things to be thankful for as the Thanksgiving holidays approach. Leawood is a great place because of the families and staff who continue to generously care for and willingly give so much of themselves to us!  In this month of giving thanks, I like to reflect on those blessings for which I am grateful. These include: the students, who come to school prepared to do their best each day; the parents, who make those home sacrifices that prepare our students for learning; the teachers, who dedicate time and energy to excellent instruction and to the creation of a positive learning environment; the staff, who handle all those small details that keep the school running smoothly for students and teachers; and the greater Leawood community that continues to support the needs of our children.  May you find time to reflect on all you are thankful for and make time to spend with those you love.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Shehan