NOVEMBER 2023 From our District and Community

Jeffco Public Website

Winter Weather Closure & Delay Procedures

As we approach the winter months and the possibility of delayed starts and snow days, we are writing to remind you of our inclement weather policies. 

 Read HERE for more information.

Milk Shortage

Our milk supplier has learned a significant industry supplier of half-pint milk cartons is experiencing a shortage, which may impact the ability to fully supply our orders. Please click HERE for more information. 

Columbine Holiday Craft Fair

Join Columbine for their annual Holiday Craft Fair. Click HERE for more details.

Conversations with Jeffco's Superintendent

Join Jeffco Public Schools Superintendent Tracy Dorland to engage in conversation with the community to discuss district wide topics and those specific to your area. View the schedule and learn more on this webpage. 

Code of Conduct/Discipline

The Student and Family Handbook (Code of Conduct) is designed to promote safety through high standards of behavior. The handbook is available to download in PDF format in multiple languages.  All families are expected to review this with their student(s)

Click HERE for more information and to download.

CogAt Assessment

Understanding the CogAT Assessment for Families and Students - Virtual Presentation, Wednesday, December 6 from 6:30-8:00pm

Join us virtually - Please go to the Jeffco GT website to find the 2023 CogAT Family Information Night form and sign up to attend virtually.

Hazel Health

As a school district, we continue to offer Hazel Health telehealth services to families. Our mental health staff is doing a great job referring students (with caregiver permission), but we also want to increase access by reminding families that they can self-refer—no lines/no waiting. Please check out this Flyer for more information.

Spotlight on Advanced Learners

November Focus: Gratitude

Grateful People are Happy People... it's a Fact!

What is Gratitude? Researchers who study the effects of gratitude define it as more than just feeling thankful for something - it is more like a deeper appreciation for someone or something, which produces longer lasting positivity. Practicing gratitude is not necessarily an innate behavior for all people. However, “gratitude seems to work like a muscle” (Owen Griffith, Practicing Gratitude in the Classroom) - the more you utilize it, the more you develop your gratitude muscles. (From Lewis-Palmer HS Gifted and Talented website) 

Week 1:  

How does the practice of gratitude improve the lives of students?

Weeks 2-4:  Spend time talking together about the ways we can be mindful about our lives and our world.  This Gratitude Calendar has a different action for each day in November.  Enjoy practicing gratitude and mindfulness while connecting as a family!