APRIL 2022 From PTSA & Accountability

PTSA President:    Melissa Kohn     PTSA Website

Accountability Co-Chairs: Brianna Gilmore and Eddie "Mac" McManus   Accountability Website

next parent learning night

Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30 pm virtually

Join us for our next Parent Learning Night! We will be holding elections for the open board positions, and learning about ways to support our community garden.

open board positions

Want to make sure you have a say in what goes on at the school? Join the PTSA board!!

We know everyone wants to make Leawood the best, and everyone has an opinion on how to do so. The best way to make sure what you want gets done, is to join the PTSA board!  We have VP of Fundraising, VP of Community Affairs, Treasurer, and Secretary open. Instead of talking about how you would do things, join us and make sure things are done the way you want!

Email Ryan Boogert or Lauran Burnham to give them your nomination.

Leawood April5 e-flyer.pdf
freddys flyer 2022


Thank you to all who continue to come to the accountability meetings! EVERY VOICE COUNTS! We welcome family and community members to join us to discuss the school budget, upcoming events in the school, community, and district, and all the goings on in education. 

The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 7th at 6pm on Zoom. We would love to see lots of people there!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to Leawood's Accountability Co-Chairs: Brianna Gilmore and Eddie "Mac" McManus 

Wednesday, April 20th

Projects will be judged during the day by AP Physics students from Columbine High School

Community Viewing @ 6:00 pm

Awards Ceremony @ 6:30 pm

Spring read a thon

An Adventure Awaits!

April 21st-29th

A celebrity guest reader will kick off the event on April 21st

Exciting theme week starting April 25th!

The kids will raise funds to earn prizes and raffle tickets for a chance to win even BIGGER prizes

Volunteers are needed! Please email Olivia Emmi at olstclair14@gmail.com or Amber Martin at ammartin84@yahoo.com

Wall of Pride

The Wall of Pride is Leawood’s way of acknowledging our responsible students. These good citizens are chosen by their teachers for demonstrating Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Students can be recognized for any of these traits during any month of the year, with the expectation that each student is recognized at least one time. These students will have their picture taken and will eat lunch with Mrs. Shehan during the monthly Wall of Pride lunch. The March Wall of Pride Students were: 

5th Grade

Story: Gibson Dotson, Eddie Velasquez-Solis, Kendra Jones, Jake Mathews 

Cable: Adriana Gomez, Liam Smiley 

4th Grade

Voth: Owen Nustad, Abish Perez-Chavira 

Henkes: Bridget Anderson, Clayton Sudano 

3rd Grade/4th Grade

Boogert: Juliette Dallet, Zoey Jimenez

3rd Grade

Bole: Katelyn Le, Gavin Sowle 

Leu: Roxy Diffee, Brody Donnan

2nd Grade

Field: Ryker Lee, Shelly Morrell 

Doherty: Jax Houser, Kassidy Dark, Khue Tran 

1st Grade

Cummings: Alex Dougan, Maci Rafteseth, Kaitlyn Maier

Faulkner: Avery Roundy, Eddie McManus 


Stelmach: Malcolm McManus, Nash Bussmann 

Macri: Owen Puchrik, Aubrey Balthaser 

Burnham: Maddox Hale, William Siljenberg


Coffey: Anthony Musselman, Amelia Fennell

Noakes AM: Alton Nguyen, Dylan Berry

Noakes PM: Elsie Blair, Leahara Welch