MARCH From the School & Office

Leawood Elementary School

Enrollment Secretary Leah Lefevre       

Financial Secretary Margarita Russell 

Health Aide Stacy Pitts

Please remember there is NO Parking on the west side of the school on Jay Drive in front of the school.  This area is designated for Day Care Vans only. If you pull up quickly when vans aren't present and your child quickly and safely jumps out, we don't have much issue with that, as long as traffic continues to flow and you are not blocking the area. If you feel you need to walk your child to the door, you must park in a designated spots beyond the Day Care Van area, or across on the west side of Jay Drive.

In the hug and go on the east side of the building in the parking lot, no adult can exit the vehicle and leave the car standing.  This is very unsafe as other cars need to maneuver around your car.  Preschool parents MUST park in a designated parking spot in order to walk your student inside. It helps to encourage your student to begin packing up and getting ready to hop out quickly and safely before you pull up to the crosswalk.  Thank you for your help with this as we want to ensure all students start their day in a positive, safe manner.

We are currently re-assessing our drop off and pick up procedures and have created a task force of interested parents to help problem solve and continue to make necessary changes.  If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact Cindy Orton at

We've received lots of questions regarding what we're proactively doing to support flu season wellness. Our custodial staff have increased the frequency of their sanitation procedures so doorknobs and other frequently touched areas are disinfected nightly.  Teachers also have increased their Lysol wipes usage and we take every precaution in the clinic and office to disinfect when we send home a sick student. 

As with all upper respiratory infections, good hygiene habits are your first line of defense. Our district nurse, Lisa Schalla, is working with students and teachers reviewing best practices in handwashing, and the importance of covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. 

Let us know what other questions you may have... and BE WELL!!

For more information from our District regarding the Coronavirus and the precautions we are taking, visit the website below and access the family letter linked below as well:

Jeffco Health Services: Coronavirus

Coronavirus Family Letter

Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)

Super M.O.M.S. (Moms of Marvelous Students)

We LOVE our Watch Dog DAD program and really appreciate the increased support in the crosswalks, parking lot, and during the school day.  We are very interested in starting a similar Super MOM program and are looking for a couple of moms willing to lead this up with us! Email Mrs Shehan if you're interested at  Look for more information coming soon, and in the meanwhile, both DADS and MOMS are welcome to signup for daily support in our crosswalks and classrooms!  Please access the signup HERE or signup on the calendar in the front hallway.

Day Without Hate 

Day Without Hate is a student led, grassroots organization that promotes nonviolence, unity, and respect in our schools. After the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, students at Standley Lake High School asked their classmates to wear white in order to show a commitment and trust in each other to make their school a safer place. The day was an overwhelming success.

Since then, students across Colorado and the nation have taken this incredibly positive day to their communities to say that we will not tolerate violence or hate, and we will reach out to friends and acquaintances and say, "We're all in this together." Families have the option of purchasing special tshirts each year.  Please see the order form below:

T-Shirt Orders click HERE, due March 11th.

From the Health Room:

Lice at School - It's that time again! 

Stop the spread of lice with weekly head checks!

We encourage you to check your child’s hair on a weekly basis now and throughout the school year.  Control of head lice depends on prompt identification, effective treatment, perseverance and teamwork!

Did you know that lice love a party?  Lice transmission is more likely to occur through sleepovers, family members and friends that spend large amounts of time together. School is not a common place for the spread of head lice.  .  

 How to check for lice:

If you have additional questions or for information on how to treat identified lice, please read Jeffco Health Services Lice FAQ’s:

Lice FAQ's

Stay Healthy,

Mrs. Pitts

Leawood Elementary School yearbooks are now on sale!  

Ordering available until April 1, 2020. Full-Color Yearbook is $15.00. To order your yearbook visit: and enter code: 47291Z

From the Financial Office

Please don't forget to go login to Jeffco Connect and verify that all of your student's fees have been paid. Fees that start with "OPT" are Optional fees for optional activities such as Gymnastics. Keep in mind that all of our field trips are paid online. Students with outstanding fees at the end of the school year will not receive their report cards. We will be adding the fees to your student as the date of the field trip approaches, as well as library fines for lost books. While you are in Jeffco Connect, please verify your personal information and make sure we have updated phone numbers and email addresses. In addition, please be sure to add additional emergency contacts other than just parents listed just in case we are unable to reach a guardian.

Families can still apply for Free & Reduced lunches. Those who qualify will have their school and transportation fees waived,  as well as breakfast and lunch fees. If you would like to apply, click here.

If you need assistance with fees, feel free to contact Mrs. Russell at 303-982-7860 ext. #5

Happening Now

FULL DAY: Leawood will have limited space in our Full Day Preschool so be sure to accept your offer, if you received one, before it expires. All Jeffco Kindergarten programs will only be full day starting in the 2020-2021 school year.

Incoming Preschoolers for the 2020/2021 school year

If you have accepted an offer for the 2020/2021 school year, please come to the school by March 20, 2020 to fill out the paperwork that is required for next school year.

These documents must be brought to the school or your enrollment will be incomplete. 

Incoming Kindergarten's for the 2020/2021 school year

Please bring the following documents to the school by March 20, 2020:

These documents must be brought to the school or your enrollment will be incomplete. 

More Information on the main Enroll Jeffco website HERE

Things To Do: These programs have flyers available in the display case outside of our main office.

Looking for Menus?