MARCH From Our Teachers

Leawood Elementary School

From the Library  

Read Across America Week

We will be celebrating Read Across America March 4-8 to honor the birthday of Dr. Seuss.  The student's will have masked readers, flashlight reading, Dr. Seuss Digital Library, and guest readers. It should be a fun week to celebrate the joy of reading!

Yearbooks on Sale Now 

Leawood Elementary School yearbooks are now on sale!  It's that time of year again! Yearbook ordering is now available. Head to our picture day dashboard to learn more and place an order, Sales end Monday, April 8th, so make sure to place your order today! 

Mrs. Brenner

Digital Teacher Librarian

PTSA March Newsletter

Please click HERE for the PTSA March newsletter.

Friday, April 19th

Students will come home with an information packet that will have a sign up form at the back.  If your student wants to participate, the forms are due back to their teacher no later than Wednesday, March 13th.  All 5th graders will be participating as this will be a science assignment and they will have more detailed information coming home as well.  If you have any questions please contact Shelley Hegge at 

Science Fair Kick Off Assembly is Wednesday, March 6th

Entry Forms Due Wednesday, March 13th

Please turn in to your teacher on or before March 13th

Spotlight on GT Learners: Building Self Awareness Skills

What does the research say? According to the website Happier Human, the benefits of building self-awareness include decreased stress, increased motivation and productivity, improved self-care, and more happiness and life satisfaction.  Self awareness is a skill that can be practiced and taught.  Below are some fun ways for your family to explore and learn more about being self aware!  

Week 1:  To explore the concept of self awareness and build your background knowledge, read more here.

Week 2:  Create a vision board that includes pictures, drawings, quotes, and other symbols that represent the creator’s aspirations, goals, hopes and dreams. Some vision board prompts/ideas are:

Week 3:  Create a “show and tell” time for your family.  Each family member fills a small bag with 5+ things that address a specific prompt and then the family takes turns sharing what is in their bag.  Possible prompt ideas include:

Week 4: Host a family WRITE and TALK event.  Each family member takes 10 minutes to answer a question and then each has an opportunity to share their ideas with the group.  Ideas for journaling/writing include:

If you have questions feel free to reach out to Jamie Kelley the instructional coach at