APRIL 2023 From Our Teachers

Leawood Elementary School

Family Support

Leawood has access to a number of resources for our families experiencing financial hardship.  We can help with food, clothing, or resources to other community resources.  Please reach out to Jennifer Magri, School Social Worker, for additional information, at (303) 982-4765 or jennifer.magri@jeffco.k12.co.us.  You can also use this google form to request support: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmKDzFIgbrGkfLw0BFweTkFtSsYZ-VPvbKTASZmGEHvGtbMw/viewform?usp=sf_link

From Band & Orchestra 

Come support our school's Band and Orchestra program with a fundraiser at the Southwest Plaza Chili's on Wednesday, April 26th! Dine in any time between 11 AM and 10 PM and mention the "Give Back Event Flyer." 15% of your bill will be donated to us and will help provide new instruments, cases, and music for our students. Hope to see you there!

From Art

Please click HERE for the latest news from the Art class.

From 5th Grade

Please send in your pop tops to your student’s class, as there is a contest again this year.  All pop tops are donated to The Ronald McDonald House in Denver to continue their great work of helping children and families. 

Keep up the great work.

Garden Update

Save the date, April 22nd will be Garden Clean Up Day! More details to come. If you have any questions or ideas for our garden, please reach out to Ms. Leu (kelsey.leu@jeffco.k12.co.us). 

Library/Technology News 

CMAS Technology Reminders

CMAS testing begins on April 4th for all 3rd - 5th grade students.  It is important that Chromebooks come to school fully charged and fully functional during the entire CMAS testing window.  Please let your classroom teacher or I know if your Chromebook is not working properly so we can troubleshoot prior to testing.  

Chromebook Health Check 

Now is a great time to make sure your student’s Chromebook is running smoothly.  Performing Chromebook maintenance every month or two helps your device work more efficiently.  Please help your student follow the steps in this Chromebook Care document to keep the device up to date.  

Lisa Pepper, Digital Teacher Librarian (lisa.pepper@jeffco.k12.co.us)

From the Instructional Coach

Coach Corner

Test Anxiety:  How You Can Help Your Child

During the month of April, 3rd through 5th-grade students will take the CMAS Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics.  5th-grade students will be also be taking the CMAS science test.

You may notice that your children are anxious at home the nights before and the mornings of the tests.  Here are some tips on how you can help at home to assist in alleviating some of the stress your child may be feeling. 

Parents should:

* make sure their children attend school regularly.

* create and maintain a home environment that will help their children be well-rested during regular school days and during the week of testing.

* evaluate their children's academic progress over a period of time rather than on one single score.

* talk with their children and encourage them to do their best.

* be proactive, contact school officials if they have questions concerning tests results.

* encourage their children to maintain a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis.

Students are encouraged to:

* consistently develop good sleeping habits, especially during the week of the test, and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

* avoid cramming, develop good study habits and good test-taking skills.

* wear comfortable clothes during the exam and maintain a comfortable and relaxed body posture during the test.

* be aware of the time allotted for the test, read directions carefully, and for time management purposes leave questions blank that they are not sure of and attempt to answer them later.

* not compare themselves to other students while taking the test.

* take deep breaths and attempt to regain composure when anxiety levels are high or when negative thoughts are present.

SOURCE: http://www.ericdigests.org/2005-2/anxiety.html

We are so proud of the work your children have done this school year!  Give them a pat on the back for their hard work! If you have questions feel free to reach out to your child's teacher or me.  

Jamie Kelley, Instructional Coach (jakelley@jeffcoschools.us)