Registration for the 2022-2023 school year begins this month.  There's lots more information on the "From the School & Office" page of this newsletter. Please be sure you are aware of procedures and deadlines.

Whether you are new to Leawood, or plan to return, all current and new families MUST go through this Jeffco Enroll process to indicate your intentions for the 2023-24 school year.

We will be holding an interest night on Wednesday, December 7th for any incoming preschool or Kindergarten Families, or other families interested in choice enrolling for any grade level.  Join us at 5:30pm in our school library. We will be sharing a copy of the presentation on our website afterwards.

If you're interested in a school tour, we will be offering them at various times throughout the days on December 7, 8, and 9.  In order to minimize any instructional disruptions, we are offering slots for 6 people at a time. Please call Leah Lefevre @ 303-982-7860 to schedule a tour.

We have fantastic schools in the Columbine Area, and we know you have choices and decisions to make. You can't go wrong with any of them. 


Jefferson County Schools allow 4 modified contact days each school year giving teachers additional time and attention for assessing individual students. Leawood schedules two of these days in August to assess where students come into their learning at the start of the school year. The other days are in December and one in May. Monday, December 12, is our next assessment day. 

On these days, teachers will be assessing reading skills and other assessments that they deem pertinent to guide the instruction for your child. Not all students will be tested this month. If you are new to Leawood and missed our beginning assessment days, you will likely be requested a time. We may also request a parent/teacher conference, either because we were not able to schedule one in October, or because we have further concerns we need to address. You will receive more information and the signup coming from your child's teacher. If not, reach out directly to your teacher with any questions. Thank you for allowing us this time getting to know more about the learning of your student.

As we enter the holiday season, I would like to take a moment to say thank you. I am constantly amazed by what our community can do when we work together to support our children. 

We have been busy working with Mike Freeman regarding the hiring of our new principal. This is some of the most important work we will engage in to ensure instructional excellence, a thriving community, and a sense of belonging.  The hiring committee came together on November 30th to cover confidentiality and best practice, process, review of community and staff feedback, interview questions and school tour questions. We will conduct the interview process on Thursday, December 8th.   Please keep in mind that the process, from the candidates to the deliberations, is confidential and committee members will not be able to share information with you.  Keep in mind, you chose great people to represent you in this process and I am confident they will do a great job. The hope is the new principal will be announced before our holiday break.


Thank you to our teachers and paraprofessionals for your dedication and honest love of children and this profession. Thank you to our support staff (cafeteria, office, and custodial staff) for the way you care for our kids and all you do to keep our school running smoothly. Thank you to our students for bringing your joy and love of learning with you every day. Thank you to our musicians and artists for sharing their gifts with us – the band and orchestra with Mr. Graverson and Mrs. Welch, the love of music and performance with Mrs. Shall, Mrs. Brandon, and Mr. Barrera and  the art appreciation and love of  creativity with Mrs. Wheeler and Ms. Powers, and the love of movement and sportsmanship with Mr. Gonzales and Ms. Givens. Thank you for our healthy schools attitude and our staff and families committed to our new Garden and Wellness Initiatives. Thank you to our PTSA and volunteers for your boundless positive energy and “can-do” spirit. Thank you to our parents for instilling the value of a good education and entrusting your children to us. 

On behalf of the staff, we wish all of our Leawood Families a very restful, peaceful and joy filled holiday season. Try to find some time to spend with family and friends doing those simple and special activities that make memories. Baking, sledding, crafts, building a snowman, and reading seasonal stories are all moments that we hold dear to our hearts as we grow. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa to all of our families. 

Be sure to check the bottom of this page for the many upcoming December events. 

Kind Regards,

Mrs. Marcella Hoefner