March From Our Teachers
Leawood Elementary School
Hey Leawood Lions... it's garden time! Planning is coming along very well. As always we are under funded and have bigger plans. We are looking for you, yes you. Can you watch you tube videos and build a brick raised bed? You are hired. Are you an artist? Great, you can help make the shed amazing! Have extra garden tools you want to donate? Perfect, we will take them! Do you need a tax write off? We are a non profit! Think of the savings. Yes, this is a community funded project to make kids eat tomatoes. Come have fun with us and help future generations eat healthy. Check out the Wish List in the school lobby for stuff we need!
Join us at our next parent planning meeting, Thursday, March 21, 6:30-7:30 in the library. For more information, contact Kristi Mueller at
Jeffco Schools Foundation Elementary School Art Show
The 39th Annual Jeffco Schools Foundation Elementary School Art Show at Red Rock Community College is still open to the public until March 14th. We are so proud of our students who represented Leawood this year with their creative artwork. Our trifecta of schools (Leawood, Dutch Creek and Columbine Hills) has a PRIMO location this year in the main entrance! Way to go kids!
3rd Grade Leawood Prime Update
Our 3rd Grade Leawood Prime Market has raised $968.00 after a week of selling our homemade goods over the internet to other students and parents all thanks to your help! Combined with the money our 5th graders raised selling pumpkins, we now have enough money to afford a water bottle filling station. We are still figuring out how much it will be to install the system, but we think our Leawood Prime experiment has been a great success! Thank you Leawood Lions for helping yourselves and us!
-Brooklyn Lee, 3rd Grade Leawood Lion
From the Library
Thank you to the many families who visited our spring book fair. It was nice to see so many children excited about reading! We had a great turnout, and will be able to purchase many new books for our library with the proceeds.
It is time to purchase your 2018/2019 Leawood Elementary Yearbook! This year, you have the option to customize a two page spread for free! This is OPTIONAL, and you will not have blank pages if you choose not to customize. If you decide to customize your student’s yearbook, the website gives easy to follow directions. If you need additional help customizing your pages, please call TreeRing at 1-877-755-8733 and select the customer service option. The deadline to purchase the 2018/2019 Leawood Elementary Yearbook is April 8th. Leawood’s password is 1015155186651069. Please use this link to purchase: Leawood Yearbook
Lisa Pepper, Digital Teacher Librarian
Music Happenings
1st Grade Music Game Night will be on Thursday, March 21st at 6pm in the gym.
Read our flyer for more information.
Come sing, move, and play with your 1st grader as you experience singing games played during a 1st grade music class. This is an active night where 1st graders will teach their families the music activities they enjoy in class. All ages are welcome, please dress in comfortable clothes appropriate for movement. We will celebrate at the end of the night with snow cones and popcorn. Feel free to reach out to Mr. Zigman with questions.
Mark your calendars for the 4th, 5th, 6th grade and Leawood Rock Band concert April 23rd at 7pm in the gym. This is an event not to be missed, more details coming soon!
3rd graders have made great progress on our recorders! Here is a video of us playing “The Wolf Song” on C, D, and A: The Wolf Song
4th, 5th, and 6th graders recently finished up an electronic composition unit using the desktop audio workshop program Soundtrap. Take a listen to music compositions from Mr. Lupo’s 6th grade and Mrs. DeHerrera-Schnering’s 5th grade! The greatest hits are going to be featured in morning announcements as theme music.
~ Mr Zigman, Music Teacher
A message from Instrumental Music:
I want to take this moment to give a quick reminder of the importance of students bringing their instruments to school. Students are graded on their level of preparation and readiness for their instrumental music classes. Every student begins the trimester with this standard being “Effectively Demonstrates,” and students are allowed two instances of forgotten instruments before any grade is affected. After this their grade begins to be affected, and any time they have to come with no instrument they are missing out on the practice and improvement that should happen in each instrumental music class. Please do your best to continue reminding your students to bring their instruments to school on their two instrumental music days per week.
Students have been assessed on their playing skills for second trimester, and music has been passed out that will require a lot of practice and the implementation of these skills. Keep your eyes on our website for upcoming links to recordings of this music. Consider listening with your student to get a better understanding of the music, and to assist in their individual practice.
Make sure our remaining concert dates are on your calendar:
Spring Band and Orchestra Concert
Thursday May 9:
Columbine High School Gym
Students arrive at 5:30pm
Performance at 6:00pm
Performance will conclude by 7:00pm
Please plan to stay for the duration of the performance.
Spring Advanced Band and Orchestra Tour (6th grade only)
Tuesday April 30: During the school day, not an evening event.
The advanced band and orchestra will travel to all area elementary schools during the school day to share the joy of music with younger students, and help us recruit the next year of instrumental music students.
I am still seeking chaperones to assist with the successful execution of this event! Please contact me if interested.
Eric Whaylen
Instrumental Music Teacher
From the Instructional Coach
Let’s Do Math!
Aside from helping your child with their Math Expressions homework, how do you and your child “do math” at home? There are so many ways to include math in your everyday lives. Try some of the following activities!
• Count everything! Count toys, kitchen utensils and items of clothing as they come out of the dryer. Help your child count by pointing to and moving the objects as you say each number out loud. Count forward and backwards from different starting places. Use household items to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
• Ask your child to help you solve everyday number problems. “We need six tomatoes to make out sauce for dinner and we have only two. How many more do we need to buy?”
• Measure items found around the house. Have you child find objects that are longer or shorter than a shoe or a string or a ruler. Together, use a shoe to measure the length of a floor mat. Fill different containers with sand in a sandbox or with water in the bath, and see which containers hold more and which hold less.
• Ask your child to draw a picture of your street, neighborhood or town. Talk about where your home is in relation to a neighbor’s home or the corner store. Use directional words and phrases like beside and to the right of.
• Use household items to create and extend patterns. Lay down a row of spoons pointing in different directions in a particular pattern (up, up, down, up, up, down) and ask your child to extend the pattern.
Look for information coming soon about a Leawood Math Night that will be held in April!
Aimee Crispin
Instructional Coach
P.E. and Gymnastic News from Mr. Gonzales
We are near the end of our time in gymnastics during P.E. and before and after school gymnastics. During our P.E. classes, we were able to work with different types of gymnastics apparatus and enjoy our spring floor which we are lucky to have. During our P.E. time in gymnastics, we were able to use our ropes for different types of competition which had the gym quite noisy. Students used different type of swing and scoring during their competition. Our Kindergarten students also were involved, thanks to Mrs. Mathews. Many students were able to learn many new stunts on the floor, beam and vaulting.
Our after school gymnastics is going quite well. All students involved will be able to perform in our evening presentations. We will also have a combination of grades involved in our day programs which will involve approximately 25 students. These selected students will perform for our entire student body and teachers at 2 times on Wednesday, March 13: at 9:30 am and 2:30 pm.
Remember, everyone is invited to come and watch our evening performance programs in the Leawood Gym, 6:30-7:30 pm on the following days.
Kdgn & 1st Grade-------- Tuesday, March 5
2nd Grade------------------Wednesday, March 6
3rd Grade------------------Friday, March 8
4th Grade------------------Monday, March 11
5th & 6th Grades---------Tuesday, March 12
We thank you for all your help and support.
F.T. Gonzales/Leawood P.E.