January 2023

Dear Leawood Families,

We sincerely hope you have enjoyed the winter break and found time for rest and rejuvenation as we enter the new year. We can't wait to spend 2022 with you and your children, filling their days with relevant, joyful learning and fun, engaging experiences.  

We'd like to express profound gratitude for all your warm thoughts and gestures, kind words, loving cards, and thoughtful gifts that we received during the holiday season. 

Thanks to all of you participated in our holiday giving initiatives. Your generous donations from our Leawood Giving Tree provided support right here in our Leawood community. We appreciate your kindness and know that you brightened the lives of many families over the holiday. We truly couldn’t do this without all of your support. Also, a big “Hooray” to our Leawood Social Worker, Mrs. Jennifer Magri, for organizing and coordinating these projects. We can't even begin to tell you how happy and grateful these families were. 

We are ready to make 2023 a year filled with success through hard work and dedication and providing students with daily opportunities to flourish. We continue to be dedicated to meeting the needs of each and every student at Leawood. The hard work is the responsibility of all of us: teachers, students, staff, and families. I know together we will continue to make learning an exciting venture!!  Although social media is flooded with stories about how students “are behind”, at Leawood we celebrate our mid-year testing scores that prove our intentional planning and focused instruction is making a huge difference to our student success!  We look forward to sharing this data at our next Accountability meeting on February 9th.

As we move into this New Year, I want to thank all of you for the continued support and encouragement that you never fail to show us. We certainly continue to face monumental challenges, but we face them together with grace and courage. I could not ask for a more loving and caring school family and community. I am ever grateful and humbled to serve your students, families, and this community. I am particularly thankful for each teacher and dedicated staff member at Leawood Elementary. Every day they choose to be here with integrity, enthusiasm, and professionalism.  Happy New Year!

In Partnership,

Mrs. Marcella Hoefner, Interim Principal


We have a very busy month ahead of us at Leawood! Right around the corner are some important events. We look forward to seeing you.