APRIL 2022 From the School & Office
Leawood Elementary School
Enrollment Secretary Leah Lefevre
Financial Secretary Margarita Russell
Health Aide Luana Perry
District Approved Excused Absences
A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental, or emotional disability.
Excused absences include funerals, illness, injury, legal obligations, medical procedures and religious observations, and extenuating circumstances determined by the principal.
A student who is attending a school sponsored activity
A student who is visiting a parent or guardian who is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty, is on leave from, or immediately returning from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Just a reminder: If your child is going to be late or absent, please call the attendance line at 303-982-7813. You will also need to give a reason as to why your student is going to be out or late. If no reason is given, your student will be marked unexcused. As much as we would love to, we cannot excuse an absence for a birthday or family time. If you are picking a child up early, we will call them down after you arrive to sign them out. Unfortunately, we cannot call them down in advance. Thank you.
Friday, April 22nd - NO SCHOOL for Students:
Teacher Work Day
Class Assignments for Next School Year
The next two months is the time when teachers begin thinking about next year’s class lists. A lot of time and thought goes into creating a balanced environment for all students. This process is very intentional, and we solicit information from many sources, including you. Current classroom teachers will collaborate with the principal, special education teacher, and AMP teachers to place students based on the educational needs of their students.
The following criteria are used when making the final decisions for placement:
Principal and/or teachers do not take parent requests for specific classroom teacher assignments.
Each classroom will be balanced with student achievement, gender, leadership, and behaviors.
Students who consistently demonstrate that they cannot get along socially will be separated.
The number of students in each classroom will be as equal as possible. New students will be evenly distributed among
classes as they enroll.
If you believe your child has specific learning or social needs, parent input will be considered. Please email Mrs. Shehan before April 22 at martha.shehan@jeffco.k12.co.us.
Although parent requests will be taken into consideration for student placement, it does not guarantee placement of the student into a particular class or with a certain teacher. Final class placement of a student will be made by the building principal.
Day Without Hate
Friday, April 29th
Our student leaders of Jeffco High Schools will be moving forward with Day Without Hate (DWOH) this year. A Day Without Hate is a student-led, grassroots organization that promotes nonviolence, respect, and unity within our schools. At Leawood, we promote these ideas throughout the school year through our Second Step curriculum and daily conversations with students. This year, we will plan additional activities for students that promote compassion for others as well as understanding and respecting differences that lead up to the Day Without Hate on Thursday, April 29th. On April 29, students can choose to wear white. Unfortunately we will not be ordering Day Without Hate T-Shirts this year.
Studio 21 Pom & Cheer Afterschool Program
Pom & Cheer will be starting soon at Leawood. This will be a 6 week session starting Tuesday, April 5th from 3:45-4:45. Please see Flyer for more information and to register.
From SAE - Summer Programs
Summer is just around the corner and we would love to have you join us at one of our fun filled summer programs! Please see the attached flyer regarding our Summer 2022 SAE Registration and Program Information. Click HERE for the flyer for more information.
School Fees
Please review your fees and pay any outstanding amounts. Unpaid fees will convert to fines at the end of the school year and will stay on the student’s record to the next grade levels until paid, regardless to which Jeffco School you transfer. Please pay ASAP. Fees can be viewed and paid online via Infinite Campus. Fees may also be paid via cash, check or credit card in the office with Mrs. Russell (303-982-7860x5).
It is not too late
to apply for Free & Reduced meals. If you are struggling with a hardship or need assistance regarding outstanding fees, please complete the free and reduced meal application . If you qualify, your school and cafeteria outstanding fees will be waived as well as any future fees for the 2022-23 school year. Do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Russell with any questions mrussell@jeffco.k12.co.us or 303-982-7860x5
From Transportation
After recent discussions it has been decided that students can ride again with friends as long as they have a note signed by the parents and by someone in the office.
This is a reminder that if your child has any signs of illness, please keep them home until all symptoms have resolved. Please call your student’s absence into the school's attendance line each day (including remote learners) with as many details as possible, including all possible COVID-19 symptoms: new or recent loss of taste or smell; cough; shortness of breath; fever; runny nose; congestion; sore throat; headaches; nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea.
If your student has been sent home from the medical safe room, please keep them home until all symptoms of illness have resolved.
If your child's symptoms do not resolve within 48 hours from the START OF SYMPTOMS, please have your child tested for COVID-19.
With the weather slowly changing we would like to remind everyone that the Health room does not provide any type of Chap Stick/Vaseline or lotion. Your student is allowed to keep Chap Stick in their backpack.
Stay Healthy,
Mrs. Perry
SAFE2TELL® is designed to help students anonymously report any threatening behavior that endangers them, their friends, family, or the community. Call 877-542-7233 to get help
Easy Ways to Support Leawood
You Can Still Support Leawood by participating in the following programs . We are still collecting Box Tops and Milk Caps for Mooola . We have a collection bin in the front entryway of the school. We are also participating in the American Furniture Warehouse and Burgers for Better Schools Programs.
· American Furniture Warehouse “Better Your Home, Better Your School”
If you shop there, please let them know you have students at Leawood. Use code LES016 when you make your purchase and 2-4% comes back to our school.
Food Service Breakfast & Lunch
Federal School Meal Waivers: No Longer Available for 2022-23
It was recently announced that the federal waivers currently in place for school meals will not be extended into the 2022-23 school year. Without a waiver extension, we will return to a more traditional service where meals are not universally free. Therefore, it will be essential that families complete a free and reduced meal application when it is available on Friday, July 1 for the 2022-23 school year. We will continue to communicate these changes extensively as we move towards the next school year.