June From Our Teachers

Leawood Elementary School

From the Library:

Your mission this summer: READ! 

Jefferson County Public Library offers a summer reading program for all ages  with fun prizes and incentives. Register with Jeffco Library today, and start logging your minutes June 1st!  https://jeffcolibrary.org/summer-reading/

Headphones for 2019/2020 School Year:

The headphones on your student supply list need to last for the entire school year.  If they break, parents will be asked to replace them. For a list of suggested headphones that should last up to 3 years click HERE.  

Attention 5th and 6th Graders:

Ken Caryl Middle School has assigned a summer reading project to all incoming students.  Please click HERE for more information. 

Columbine Roots Brick Fundraiser

BUY A BRICK! Purchase before June 30th! Order Here

The more bricks purchased, the more fun things we can build with the bricks. Currently 3 raised beds are planned with these red bricks, but there could be more. Think of it as a donation to your school AND your name is in the garden forever! We are dedication our Butterfly Tunnel as the "Columbine Memorial Butterfly Tunnel- Endurance, Chance, Hope and Life." Please consider buying a personalized brick if this memorial is close to your heart.

From the Instructional Coach


As parents, you probably wonder what to do with your child to keep his or her brain active during those long, hot, summer days.  If you ask any teacher the one thing they would recommend: READ!  That is the most beneficial thing for your child to do during the summer.  We all need a break to play and relax, but reading is the easiest, most cost effective (we have a great local library!) activity to keep your child’s brain in gear.  

Jefferson County Public Library has an excellent summer reading program for all ages.  As you read throughout the summer, you keep track of your time and activities completed and can collect prizes!  Have fun, and hope to see you at the library!  For more information, visit https://jeffcolibrary.org/summer-reading/ 

 Also, Barnes and Noble does a great summer reading program.  Click on the link below to access their information.  


 Aimee Crispin, Leawood Instructional Coach


Music Happenings

It is with mixed feelings I share that I will not be returning to Leawood Elementary next year. I am moving into teaching music privately, with the goal of opening my own music education studio in 2020. I am so glad for the time I have spent getting to know and work in this community and sad to say goodbye, but I am excited for what is to come next and hope to continue to make music with the Leawood community in a different capacity.

 ~ Mr Zigman,  Music Teacher