June/July From Our Teachers

Leawood Elementary School

From the Library:

Your mission this summer: READ! 

Jefferson County Public Library offers a summer reading program for all ages  with fun prizes and incentives. Register with Jeffco Library today, and start logging your minutes June 1st!  https://jeffcolibrary.org/summer-reading/

Headphones for 2021/2022 School Year:

The headphones on your student supply list need to last for the entire school year.  If they break, parents will be asked to replace them. For a list of suggested headphones that should last up to 3 years click HERE.  We also sell them at our school store for $10.00

Attention Future 6th Graders:

Ken Caryl Middle School has assigned a summer reading project to all incoming students.  Please click HERE for more information. 

Garden Update

Thanks to everyone who signed up for a week to help in our garden.  Here is the signup: Garden Summer Volunteers.  If you have any questions or ideas for our garden, please reach out to Mr. Boogert (ryan.boogert@jeffco.k12.co.us).