Kaleidoscope Design


I can demonstrate an understanding of symmetrical balance

I can demonstrate an understanding of foreground and background

I can demonstrate an understanding of repetition and movement within a work of art


Background- The area behind the focal point, what is in the distance, it is usually partially covered up by another area in the foreground

Balance- a principle of design that deals with the visual weight within a work of art

Foreground- the area in the front, the focal point is usually in this area, the foreground many times covers are part of something else

Kaleidoscope- a toy that is a tube which contains mirrors and colored glass that reflects what is seen in several directions at the same time

Movement- principle of design that deals with the impression of action

Repetition- repeating an element

Symmetry (Symmetrical balance)- a type of balance that deals with a mirror image of what is seen on one side; the same on both sides

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