Pointillism Dinosaurs


I can demonstrate an understanding of pointillism and how to use pointillism to create value within a work of art

I can demonstrate an ability to add either an environment or close-up details within my work of art

I can demonstrate an understanding of how to add color with pointillism to create different saturation levels and value; if I want an area darker or more saturated I will place the dots closer together.  If I want an area lighter or less saturated I will space them out further

I can demonstrate the ability to create foreground and background within one subject to create the look of a 3D dinosaur or dragon


Background- refers to the area behind the focal point; usually covered up by something in the foreground

Foreground- refers to the area in front or closest to the viewer; it usually covers up another part of the image

Pointillism- a technique where the image is created using only distinct dots; the darker or more saturated you want an area the closer you want the dots to be with one another

Saturation- refers to the intensity of color within an image

Three-Dimensional (3D)- An image that shows height, width, and depth (you can see how tall, wide, and how far back something goes)

Value- the lightness or darkness of a color

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