Animal Combinations


I can demonstrate that I can create an animal that has distinct parts of 2 or 3 other animals; this will be my focal point

I can create an environment (real or imaginary) for my newly created animal

I can add texture to my animal and environment by using multiple values or colors to layer my oil pastels (i.e. scales, feathers, grass, rocks, tree bark,etc.)


Background- the area that is behind your focal point, the focal point usually covers up part of the background

Environment- the surrounding area around your animal

Foreground- the area that is in front of your focal point; part of the foreground usually covers up a small portion of your focal point

Overlapping- placing something in front of or behind something else so that part of it is covered up or covering another area

Texture- showing how something would feel if you could touch it; texture can be real (when you can actually feel it) or imaginary (when it looks as if you could feel it but you actually cannot

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