Keith Haring Drawing

I will demonstrate the ability to create a drawing of the human body in a simplified form with simple lines

I will demonstrate the ability to create movement through the use of action lines/movement lines near the body

I will demonstrate the ability to use a horizon line and simplified colors to create a ground and sky

I will demonstrate the ability to create a composition that makes use of my entire paper whether vertical or horizontal (more than one figure can be used)

Composition- creating a sense of space that arranges the visual elements, where you put things on your paper; we should be filling the entire paper with our person or animal in this composition

Focal Point- the area of focus within the work of art; the area that the viewer'e eye should be drawn toward; it is usually the largest thing on the paper, maybe the brightest or stands out because it is a different color, there might be leading lines to it; many times it is located toward the center of the paper

Horizon Line- the line that separates the sky and the ground

Movement- a principle of design that gives the impression of action; on this project we will add action lines to help create a sense of movement

exit slips

video credited to Traveling Art Room

video credited to Amy Markham