Dimensional Drawing


I will demonstrate the ability to draw an image in one point perspective

I will demonstrate the ability to use parallel and perspective lines

I will demonstrate the ability to create an image that shows interlocking and overlapping shapes

I will demonstrate the ability to take the basic image and transform it creatively


Interlocking- to make one part look as if it is going over and through another part so that the two pieces are attached like a chain link

One Point Perspective- A technique used in art to portray a three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface

Overlapping- to make one part look as if it goes in front another part

Parallel Lines- Two lines that will always be the same distance apart and never touch

Perspective Point- The point that all perspective lines lead to; there is one perspective point in one-point perspective, two in two point perspective, etc

Vanishing Point-  The point on a horizon that which something that is growing increasingly small disappears when in perspective.