Draped Clay Bowl


I can demonstrate that I can create a draped clay form from a mold

I can demonstrate that I understand how to create and attach a foot; I have demonstrated that I can score both pieces that I want to attach, add slip to one of them, and squeeze them together to make a secure connection

I can demonstrate that I understand the concept of a radial design

I can finish my bowl with glaze enhancing the radial symmetry


Clay- a sticky fine-grained earth that can be molded when wet and fired when dry to create pottery that will not be broken down by water

Glaze- paint for clay; many times the glazes get brighter and take on a glassy look once fired

Radial Symmetry- repetition of a repeated element around a central axis; the design repeats while going around the central point (like a starfish or a bike tire)

Score- creating lines going in two different directions such as hashtags in clay to attach two pieces together (first step in the score, slip, squeeze process)

Slip- really wet clay that is placed on the scored areas before squeezing two pieces of clay together to join them (second step in the score, slip, squeeze process)

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