2 Pt. Perspective


I can demonstrate that I understand 2 Pt. Perspective

I can demonstrate that I can create letters or signs in 1 pt perspective

I can understand that I know the related vocabulary terms

I can demonstrate that I can apply the related vocabulary to my project

I can demonstrate the ability to show a light source through shading


Horizon Line-  Eye level line that is the boundary between sky and ground.

Parallel Lines-  Two lines that remain the same width apart forever.  They will never touch.

Perspective Lines-  Two lines that are heading to a single point on the horizon.

Vanishing Point-  The point on a horizon that which something that is growing increasingly small disappears when in perspective.  This point allows us to see distance on a flat surface.

2 Pt. Perspective-  The ability to show two parallel lines as if they were going off in the distance.  Two point shows both sides as if looking at a corner and being able to see in both directions.  This is what we are using for the basis of this drawing to create the buildings and streets.

1 Pt. Perspective-  The ability to show two parallel lines as if they were going off in the distance.  One point shows a single point where all things would disappear on the horizon.  This might look like a hallway that we are looking down or a landscape that shows the power lines on both sides of the road continuing for many miles.  Usually from a frontal view.  When you are adding letters on a sign, the letters will be done in one point perspective.