Bike Contour Painting with Viewfinder


I can demonstrate that I can use a viewfinder to capture part of an object that may not be whole but still captures the idea of the object.

I can demonstrate that I can draw an object using both positive and negative space.

I can demonstrate that I can use proportion to create my drawing.

I can demonstrate an understanding of monochromatic values to paint my negative space.


Contour Line- Lines added to a work out to create the outline of an object

Viewfinder- a tool used to focus in on one specific area of a subject

Positive Space- the actual object itself

Negative Space- area around, between, within an object; not the actual object

Proportion- relation in size; relative size of a part to its whole

Monochromatic- many values of one color

Value- the lightness or darkness of a color

Tint-  Mixing white with a hue

Shade- Mixing black with a hue

Tone- Mixing gray with a hue

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