Pop Art Candy


I can demonstrate an understanding of Pop Art and identify works that fit into this artistic style (think Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein, and Peter Max)

I can demonstrate an ability to simplify my subject while still using good composition to fill the paper

My work will go off all edges of my paper

I will demonstrate an understanding of highlights and shadows and how they create the look of creases within my wrapper or shine on my candy box

I will choose one background color that will create emphasis for my focal point (the candy)


Focal Point- the area within a work of art that demands the most attention and draws the viewer's eye toward it; in this project our focal point is the candy

Highlights - Areas where the light is hitting an object

Pop Art- the artistic style that makes use of popular culture' artists take things popular in culture and use it within their work so it is more about the subject matter than how the work is created; it changed the world's perception of how we see art

Proportion/Scale - refers to relation in size; the size of an object in relation to another object or part.

Shading - showing levels of darkness in a drawing to create depth; showing where shadows and highlights touch an object

Shadows - Areas where the light is not hitting an object because it is further from the light source or something is blocking the light from reaching the object in that area

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