
I can create a work of art that shows contrast

I can create a work of art that shows balance through the use of multiple symmetrical shapes

I can demonstrate an understanding of Positive and Negative space

I can cut and glue carefully and neatly

I understand the process of Notan


Balance- A Principle of Design that refers to the way that elements of art are arranged

Contrast- A Principle of Design that deals with the arrangement of opposites within a work of art

Negative Space- the area of the image that is not there, the area that is not the main focus, the holes or blank spaces around the image

Notan- a Japanese form of art that demonstrates balance; usually the balance of light and dark

Positive Space- the main focus of the image, the area that IS the image itself

Symmetrical- A form of balance that creates a mirror image; its the same of both sides

Website Review- please complete and submit

Notan can sometimes be used to understand and truly see the underlying shapes that an artist uses within their composition.


Images from Mitchell Albala

Image result for Notan examples

Video from VideoVoiceGallery