Gingerbread/Victorian House Architectural Drawing


I can demonstrate the ability to draw a house in 3D showing height, width, and depth and can use overlapping to enchance the depth

I can demonstrate the ability to use 6 out of the 7 Elements of Art within my drawing

I can demonstrate the ability to add repetition  with sizing adjustments and/in details that create the look of a house

I can demonstrate the ability to add perspective to the front stairs


Depth- Showing how far back in space something goes

Gable- A triangular wall formed by a sloping roof

Overlapping- Placing one thing in front of another showing that something is in front and something is behind; this is one way to show depth

Parallel Lines- Two lines that remain the same width apart forever.  They will never touch. 

2 Pt. Perspective-  The ability to show two parallel lines as if they were going off in the distance.  Two point shows both sides as if looking at a corner. This will allow us to see both the front and the side of a building.

Repetition- Repeating an element; for the Victorian homes a common element is to repeat designs over and over

Three-Dimensional (3D)- Showing height, width, and depth.  Adding depth changes your work from 2D to 3D as you are showing how far back in space it goes

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Some common characteristics of a Victorian House are gables, bay windows, fish-scale shingles, turrets, towers, front porches, gingerbread details, rounded angles, stained glass windows, decorative woodwork, bright and many colors, and multiple chimneys.