Color Scheme Slide Show

You will create a slide show using Google Slides. You will need to create a title page and then a separate slide for each of our seven color terms (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Neutral, Warm, Cool, and Monochromatic. If you would like, you may also do a separate slide for Complimentary, Analogous, and ROY G BIV for extra credit.

Each slide must contain a title, at least 3 facts about that color scheme, and an image that either shows the colors within that scheme or contains the colors within that scheme. Extra points will be given for things like colored backgrounds, animation, transitions between slides, extra information, etc. All information given should be accurate.

It is your job to learn about these colors and be able to convey that information to help others learn in the form of a slide show.

I can demonstrate knowledge of color vocabulary.

I can demonstrate the ability to share my knowledge with others.

I can demonstrate the ability to research what I do not know.

I can demonstrate that I can understand and use Google Slides.