Animal Close Ups


I can demonstrate that I can create a drawing with a close up view point building on basic shapes and lines.

I can demonstrate an understanding of composition with a close up view.

I can demonstrate the ability to use watercolors to create a desired texture.

I can add shading by layering and overlapping watercolors.


Composition- the placement or arrangement of visual elements; where you put things on your paper in relation to other parts; we used a close up view for our composition

Overlapping- extend over so as to cover partly, showing how something is placed in front of something else to show depth or distance

Pigment- a substance used as color; usually added to a base to produce paint; in this case added to water to create the watercolors

Tempera Paint- a painting medium mixed with a water-soluble binder; it is more opaque than watercolors and can be easily mixed to create new colors 

Texture- showing how something would feel 

Watercolors- artists' paint made with a water-soluble binder such as gum arabic, and thinned with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color

Image result for painting of close up of animal head
Image result for painting of close up of animal head

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