Pop Art Self-Portrait Prints


I can demonstrate the ability to simplify my photo into basic value changes

I can identify work from Andy Warhol and the Artistic Style of Pop Art

I can create my self-portrait in Styrofoam; we will use Fotoview's Pop Art Studio program and choose Vector Image then click off Curve and Pop Art Colors and choose Grayscale instead, then upload your photo

I can demonstrate the ability to create 4 separate prints of your portrait varying the colors in each


Bust- the part of the human body that depicts the head, neck, and shoulders when looking at art

Pop Art- an Art movement in the late 50's-60's that depicts objects of commercial and popular culture

Quadrants- dividing your paper into 4 even rectangular sections

Value- the lightness or darkness of a color

Website Review Assignment:  Please complete and submit

Videos with Closed Captioning:

Video 1:  https://youtu.be/1Yb1fCYUxF4

Video 2: https://youtu.be/B11-PFaHJ0Q

Video 3:  https://youtu.be/Mu2njYPUHNY

pop art portraits1.mp4
pop art portraits2.mp4
pop art portraits3.mp4