Candy Grid


Proportion/Scale - refers to relation in size; the size of an object in relation to another object or part.

Shading - showing levels of darkness in a drawing to create depth; showing where shadows and highlights touch an object

Form - Showing three dimension; width X length X depth

Highlights - Areas where the light is hitting an object

Shadows - Areas where the light is not hitting an object because it is further from the light source or something is blocking the light from reaching the object in that area

Website Review Assignment:  Please complete and submit

thumbnail sketching stage with candy on card stock grid
Image result for painting of pieces of candy


I can demonstrate the ability to change the size of an object through drawing using a grid.

I can demonstrate the ability to create a grid using a ruler.

I can demonstrate an understanding of proportion/scale by transferring the size of an object from one size to a larger size.

I can demonstrate an understanding of how highlights and shadows create form.

I can add highlights and shadows to my project to create form.

Challenge:  Use watercolors instead of colored pencils to create a painting.  Highlights and shadows will have to mixed before being added to your painting.