Color Wheel Perspective

Color Wheel Order for a 12 Part Color Wheel:

Red, Red-Orange, Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green, Blue-Green, Blue, Blue-Violet, Violet, Red-Violet


I can demonstrate an understanding of the color wheel and the order in which it is created.

I can demonstrate an understanding of one point perspective.

I can use one point perspective to create a city drawing.

I can demonstrate how to use perspective to create a drawing that shows a viewpoint of standing on the sidewalk while looking up.


One Point Perspective- a way of drawing that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, converging towards a single point

Viewpoint- shows where the view is standing; determines the horizon line

Color Wheel- a way to organize colors in a circle that shows the progression of one color to the next in rainbow order

Vanishing Point/Perspective- the point that all lines lead to in one point perspective (in this project, that would be the very center of the circle)

Perspective Lines- the lines that show the vertical lines of the buildings. This is the line we are using a ruler for that go from the edge of the circle to the vanishing point.

Concentric Lines- Lines added to a work of art that curve around a central point. These are the horizontal lines of the building that we are using a compass for.

Primary Colors- Red, Yellow, and Blue. These are the first level of colors that all other colors are made from

Secondary Colors - Orange, Green, and Violet. These are the second level of colors made by mixing two primary colors

Tertiary- Colors formed when mixing a primary and a secondary color together. That is why the color has two names (primary-secondary) such as yellow-green, yellow-orange, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet, and red-orange

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