Cartoon Tints and Shades

Value: tints and shades

Value in Art is extremely important. It allows you to create a better sense of depth or how far back in space something goes. It creates a sense of a light source. It also allows the hue (or color of the object) to create an emotion by letting the value alone to show the subject matter. It can create a sense of unity within your work or create contrast through the use of widely different values.


I can create a drawing of a cartoon character that makes use of the entire space within my paper

I can add color through the use of tints and shades

I can create at least 2 different tints and 2 different shades within my painting

I can block out my areas of color by using a marker and a glue bottle to create distinct areas within my painting that shows color or value changes


Depth- showing space in within a work of art; how far back things go from the viewer

Hue- another word for color

Outline- creating a border around what you see, showing the outside edge of an area

Shades- mixing a hue with black

Tint- mixing a hue with white

Value- the lightness or darkness of a color

Please note: These videos show this unit being done with a landscape in the style of the artist Ted Harrison. The steps will be the same even if/when we do the project with flower vases or cartoon characters.

Video #1: These videos are based on the same concept but in the unit shown, we painted landscapes instead of cartoon characters. You will follow the same steps, your subject matter will simply be a cartoon character instead of a landscape.

Video #2

Video #3