Mandala drawings


I can demonstrate the ability to repeat simply lines and shapes in concentric circles

I can demonstrate the ability to create a design using repeated lines and shapes (repetition) to create radial symmetry

I can demonstrate the ability to neatly create and color my mandala

I can demonstrate an understanding of a mandala

I will show an understanding of the vocabulary for this unit through their application on my work of art:


Concentric- an image with a common center; such as rings around a middle, or ripples of water when rain drops onto a puddle, or a target

Design- repeating a pattern to create an overall look

Mandala- loosely translates to the word "circle"; it represents a wholeness or how the parts relate to the whole

Patterns- the uniform repetition of any element or combination of elements

Radial Symmetry- symmetry that is both vertical and horizontal; it creates a repeated pattern that is the same in all directions around the center; symmetry that rotates around a central point

Repetition- the process of repeating a line, shape, or element until it becomes a pattern

Website Review Assignment:  Please complete and submit

Videos with Closed Captioning:

Video# 1:

Video # 2:

Video # 3:

Video # 4:

Video # 5:

Video 1: Finding the center and creating your circle

Video 2: Adding concentric rings

Video 3: Starting your pattern

Video 4: Patterns within patterns

Video 5: Adding color

Mandala video by Kathryn Costa from 100 Mandala website

Please note: the video was created by Kathryn Costa from the 100 Mandalas web page.  She has a whole series about the benefits of creating and coloring mandalas.  Mandalas are designed to help relax the body and mind easing stress, anxiety, worry, and depression.  Please check out her website and tutorials to help your mandala drawings continue to grow, evolve, and improve.