Bird's Eye City View


I can demonstrate that I understand one point perspective

I can demonstrate that I know how to create a form in perspective

I can demonstrate that I understand parallel lines

I can understand that I know how objects change according to their points of view

I can demonstrate the ability to draw in an aerial point of view (above looking down)


Aerial View- the viewpoint as if something is being looked at from above the object.  You would have to be above the city like in a helicopter, airplane, or magic carpet to see this point of view.

Form- An Element of Art, that creates a 3D version of a shape

One Point Perspective- A technique used in art to portray a three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface

Parallel Lines- Two lines that will always be the same distance apart and never touch.  These would be the top and bottom of the buildings that were drawn.

Perspective Lines- Lines that are headed toward the vanishing or perspective point.  They help to create the look of a 3D building.  These would be the side of the buildings that were drawn.

Perspective Point- The point that all perspective lines lead to; there is one perspective point in one-point perspective, two in two point perspective, etc.  Also called a vanishing point.

Point of View- refers to the place or physical position that the viewer looks at an object from

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Brink - Art: Birds Eye View City Drawings
1 point perspective Bird's Eye View