Woven Cups


I can demonstrate the ability to create an over/under weaving

I can demonstrate the ability to create a pattern within a weaving

I can demonstrate an understanding of warp and weft

I can demonstrate the ability to create a freestanding sculptural form


3D: Anything that has length, width, and depth

Pattern- Repeating at least two elements such as lines, shapes, colors, forms, etc.. We could also say that this uses an over/under pattern when discussing how it is woven.

Repetition- Repeating something over and over again to create a pattern.

Warp- the piece that you weave into

Weft- what you weave with; what is woven into the warp

Weave- a method to interconnect two pieces of material, usually completed in an over/under pattern

Website Review Assignment

Baskets! | The Morse Art Studio's Weblog

Video #1: How to cut and begin the weaving

Video #2: How to switch the yarn or add another piece