Fishy Names

I can demonstrate a knowledge of good composition by placing my name within the contour lines of the fish

I can demonstrate a knowledge of positive and negative space

I can demonstrate a knowledge of pattern and design

I can demonstrate a knowledge of contrast by filling in some of the areas to create a balance of white and color

Composition- the placement or arrangement of the parts of your drawing; where you put things; in this case we are using positive space vs. negative space

Contour Line- another word for an outline of an object

Design- repeating an element or pattern within a work of art

Emphasis- an area in a work of art that draws attention or becomes the focal point

Negative Space- the area around, between, or within an object; the area that is not the object but the background instead

Pattern- repeating a unit of shape, line, color, or form

Positive Space- the area that is the object itself

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