Skinny Trees


I can demonstrate an ability to create an even frame using masking tape

I can demonstrate an ability create distance using value with layered watercolor, dark at the bottom and light at the top; minimum of 4 layers

I can demonstrate how atmospheric perspective creates a dark foreground and light background

I can demonstrate an understanding of the Element of Art, Space

I can demonstrate the ability to create a silhouette of a deciduous tree with no leaves on it as if it is Winter, my tree should fill the entire area going to the edge on all sides; the branches should divide by at least half each way and my trunk should extend to at least the halfway point vertically before branching out

I can demonstrate an understanding of good composition to create the layout of my work; I have planned my work before beginning to paint and then again before adding black to my tree


Atmospheric Perspective- A technique in which an illusion of depth is created by painting more distant objects with less clarity and a lighter tone

Background- the area that is in the back, usually drawn higher in a landscape

Composition- where you put things on your paper, how you use the space available to you

Distance- showing something that is a big distance away

Foreground- the area in the front; usually drawn at the bottom of the paper in a landscape

Frame- an even area that completely goes around the outside edge of a work of art

Hue- Another name for color

Layout- how you plan your composition, used to determine where you will place the elements that you are adding to your work

Monochromatic- one color with many values

Space- An element of art that deals with the two-dimensional visual composition in art

Value- the lightness or darkness

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