School Supplies: Watercolor

* I can demonstrate an understanding of contour lines used to create an image of a recognizalbe object

* I can demosntrte the ability to effictively use watercolors

* I can demonstrate an understanding of warm and cool colors

Contour Lines- basically another word for outline; a contour is a line that mimics the outline of an object or shape

Cool Colors- a color that is typically calm or soothing; these colors are found on half of the color wheel if the color wheel were divided in half. These colors are usually Blue, Green, and Violet. They tend to recede in space.

Warm Colors- a color that is typically vivid and bold; these colors are found on half of the color wheel if the color wheel were divided in half. These colors are usually Red, Orange, and Yellow. They tend to pop out or advance in space.

Watercolors- a paint in which liquid (water) is added to a pigment; usually produces a light, fluid quality