Clay Dragons


I can demonstrate that I understand how to create a 3D sculpture from clay

I can demonstrate that I can attach clay using scoring and slip

I can create a free standing and stable sculpture

I can demonstrate how to add details using various tools


3D:  Anything that has length, width, and depth

Freestanding:  the dragon is able to stand on its own

Score- creating lines going in two different directions such as hashtags in clay to attach two pieces together (first step in the score, slip, squeeze process)

Slip- really wet clay that is placed on the scored areas before squeezing two pieces of clay together to join them (second step in the score, slip, squeeze process)

Squeeze:  pressing the clay pieces together until the water bubbles come out (the final step in the process to attach two pieces of clay together)

Touchpoints:  Where the clay touches another part of the clay; strengthens both pieces

Real Texture:  Texture that you can both see and feel

Implied Texture:  Texture that has been added by drawing or pressing into the clay; it is not real and you can see it but it does not feel as it looks

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